Today, at 12:53pm, I've used the following applications, both local and web, today to do various jobs:
- Firefox
- Apple Mail
- Blogger
- Calendar
- iTunes
- Photoshop 4
- Bridge
- Lightroom 3
- iPhoto
- Google Sketch up
- Microsoft Word
- BlinkBid
- Final Cut X
- Final Cut 7
- Motion 5
- Compressor 4
- Keynote
- Fetch
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Lynda
- Snapseed
- App Store
- YouTube
- Vimeo
...and there is probably more but I've lost count. This seems to be the way things are these days. In 18 months, we will all be using 50% tools to do even more jobs and projects that haven't even been thought of today.
Have fun!