Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This guy tells it like it is

In the last couple of days, I've been receiving a bunch of FB and twitter links about this article in the NY Times.

It sheds light on the diminishing and brutal reality of our professions as photographers. And yes, it is painfully true.

Photography is a profession that constantly kicks your ass in many different ways. Not only do you have to be the most creative guy in the room... have to be a savvy marketer an incredible diplomat and politician
...understand tax codes
...constantly understand all of the latest social media tools
...know why it is better to process RAW files in a 16 bit, Pro Photo color space at 240 ppi vs 8 bit Adobe 1998 at 300 dpi...but that it might change if the final output is offset printing vs inkjet large format printing
...and you understand why having 32GB of memory is necessary to work efficiently with photos and now video
...and why it is absolutely mandatory that you have to have your multiple terabytes of data backed up in at least three different places that are preferably not in the same building or even the same city 
...and the list goes on and on and on.

Today, I came across a blog post by Jack Hollingsworth on Twitter.  He pretty much summed up the reality of being a photographer. The harshest part is that you have to ask yourself if you are really doing the one thing in life that you should be doing. If so, dive in, make the most out of it and get ready to get the shit kicked out of you. And then get ready for it to happen over and over again. And if after all that you still wake up and are convinced that its your calling, you are in the right place. You will succeed.

I'll let Jack tell it the way it is, because he did so much more eloquently than I could ever hope to.

Thanks Jack. Well spoken.

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