Thursday, April 5, 2012

The new normal

Today, at 12:53pm, I've used the following applications, both local and web, today to do various jobs:
  • Firefox
  • Apple Mail
  • Blogger
  • Calendar
  • iTunes
  • Photoshop 4
  • Bridge
  • Lightroom 3
  • iPhoto
  • Google Sketch up
  • Microsoft Word
  • BlinkBid
  • Final Cut X
  • Final Cut 7
  • Motion 5
  • Compressor 4
  • Keynote
  • Fetch
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Lynda
  • Snapseed
  • App Store
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
...and there is probably more but I've lost count. This seems to be the way things are these days. In 18 months, we will all be using 50% tools to do even more jobs and projects that haven't even been thought of today.

Have fun!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

iPhoneography and tumblr

Check out my Tumblr blog to see my iPhoneography!

Like millions of people who have iPhones, I discovered the joy and freedom of using my iPhone to record clandestine moments every day. What I may enjoy the most, is the liberation of taking a photo, processing it with a myriad of filters and sharing it to the world in seconds...yes, seconds. is my platform of choice. Its a community of artists that are always eager to find and create more visual stimulation. That may be one of the coolest aspects. We can create art, document a scene, experiment in such a spontaneous fashion that it keeps it fresh. We send it out to the world and receive feedback before we have time to think about if it is good enough or really conveys the perfect message. I think most of the stuff that we create with our big cameras never sees the light of day because we have time to nitpick it and overjudge it before releasing it for the world to see.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Luxe magazine, Fall 2011, Chicago edition

Here is a project that I photographed for Luxe magazine. The project was one that I had photographed a year earlier for Highgate Builders. We submitted it to Luxe and they liked it enough to send me back to photograph the residence once all of the furnishings and artwork were installed. It was a gorgeous place that blended traditional and contemporary styling.

Assistant: Ashton Ray Hansen
Retouching: Andrew Webb

Builder: Highgate Builders
Architect: H Gary Frank Architects AIA, LTD
Interior Design: Jon Motsinger, J.P. Mots Inc.